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Forensic science

Materials used during Sharing Inspiration 2019 about Forensic science

Auteur: Cathy Baars

Sujet:  Other, STEM

Tags: Material to order, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Priser och index

Ma 1 | Grafer och funktioner | I denna aktivitet tar vi upp hur man konstruerar ett index i kalkylbladsappen.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Regression, Curriculum, Material to order, Exercise, Mathematical thinking, Functions, Graphs, Statistics

TI-Nspire CAS in Engineering Mathematics: Falling Object Under Air Force Resistance

Applying Runge-Kutta to solve differential equations, illustrated on the situation of a falling object.

Editeur: T³ Europe

Auteur: Michel Beaudin, T³ Europe

Sujet:  STEM

Tags: Integral calculus, Integration, Material to order, Mathematical thinking

Ringa in en cirkel

Ma 3 - Aritmetik, algebra och geometri - Detta exempel täcker in flera områden i kurs 3

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Mathematical thinking, Circle, Material to order, Pythagoras, Trigonometry

Step by Step Chemistry on the TI-Nspire CX

Perform many Chemistry / Stoichiometry tasks Step by Step , Explore the Periodic System of Elements (PSE) , Balance Chemical Equations, Gas Laws, Limiting Reagent, Mole/Mass computations an…

Auteur: SmartSoft

Sujet:  Chemistry

Tags: Chemistry, Material to order, Mathematical thinking, Physics, T3