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Der Raumigel unter Python

Die zweidimensionale Turtle- oder Igelgrafik ist ein häufig genutztes Werkzeug im Informatikunterricht. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Erweiterung zur 3D-Igelgrafik sowie Anwendungen vo…

Editeur: T³ Deutschland - Materialien

Auteur: Veit Berger, Hans-Martin Hilbig

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: 3D Geometry, 3D objects, Algorithm, Coding, Enlargement and reduction, Geometry, Python, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator, Trigonometry

Hedgehog - a 3D graphics library in Python

This project takes the idea of turtlegraphics to the next level, providing a 3D-Graphics library to draw and animate 3-dimensional objects on a TI-Nspire CXII graphics screen.

Editeur: T³ Deutschland - Materialien

Auteur: Hans-Martin Hilbig, Veit Berger

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: 3D Geometry, 3D objects, Algorithm, Coding, Geometry, Polygons, Programming, Python, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator, Trigonometry

Sharing Inspiration 2019 ...for Policy Maker

Collection of materials and presentations shared and discussed at the Policy Maker's day of the conference Sharing Inspiration 2019 - The Power of Realization.

Editeur: T³ Europe

Sujet:  STEM

Tags: STEM, T3, Sharing Inspiration 2019

The Rover can Power and Drive learning in the classroom

The Rover can Power and Drive learning in the classroom
The TI-Innovator Rover provides a great opportunity to strive for multi-dimensional STEM focused integrated learning.

Auteur: Sanjeev Meston

Sujet:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Tags: Programming, Algebra, Coding, Functions, Graphing, Sharing Inspiration 2019, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator, TI-Innovator Rover

New Generation of Data Collection Tools

This is a wide-ranging workshop which will delve into the different areas from sensors, probes, coding with TI-84 and HUB to limitations and solutions.

Editeur: T³ Türkiye

Auteur: Yunus Emre Doğan

Sujet:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Linear regression, Regression, Sharing Inspiration 2019, STEM, T3, Temperature, TI-Innovator, Tips and tricks

Safe autonomous driving

A “master” rover is followed by one or more rovers in a line. Based on color signals on the road the master stops or park; the followers read the ranger sensor and keep a safe distance from…

Auteur: Donatella Falciai

Sujet:  Computer Science, STEM

Tags: Analysis, Coding, Integral calculus, Modeling, Physics, Programming, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator Rover, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Widget - Rita i fysiken med hjälp av symboler | TI-Nspire CX

Med denna applikation kan du exempelvis rita kretsar, kraftfulla diagram och funktions-flödesdiagram.

Editeur: T³ Sverige

Editor: Olli Karkkulainen

Auteur: Olli Karkkulainen

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Tags: Physics, T3