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On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Editeur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

DRAFT- On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CXII Python

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Editeur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator Rover, Triangle

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CX

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle

Midpoint Investigation

Investigate the relationship between the coordinates of the endpoints of a line segment and the coordinates of its midpoint.

Editeur: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Karen Birnie

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Points and lines, Coordinate systems

Line through two points

An exploration of the equation of a straight line passing through two points using similar triangles.

Editeur: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Auteur: Andy Kemp

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Points and lines