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Tricks och Tips (2) - Statistiska samband

Här visas vi hur man kan ladda ner stora datamängder från webben till räknaren statistikeditor och sedan göra olika analyser.

Editeur: TI Sweden

Auteur: TI Sweden

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Scattergraphs, List, Correlation

Dissecting squares

A square is dissected to form three triangles and a quadrilateral. What fraction of the square is each part?

Editeur: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Fractions, Scattergraphs, Algebra, Geometry

Investigative Skills Toolkit

Use the TI-Nspire Handheld (either Numeric or CAS) to investigate and generalise results from numerical patterns.

Auteur: Nevil Hopley

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Patterns, Scattergraphs, Linear regression, Modeling

Power and Exponential Laws

Modelling situations where experimental data suggests there may be either power or exponential functions

Editeur: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Exponential, Powers and roots, Scattergraphs, Logarithms, Modeling

Exploring Linear Regression

Give pupils an insight into the ?black box? that is the least squares regression formula.

Editeur: Texas Instruments UK

Auteur: Jonathan Powell

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear regression, Scattergraphs