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Arbeitsblätter für den TI-30X Plus MathPrint

- Für Sekundarstufe I und Sekundarstufe II
- Arithmetik und Algebra
- Analysis
- Stochastik

Editeur: Texas Instruments Education Technology

Auteur: Heinz Klaus Strick

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Analysis, Arithmetic, Stochastics

Linjära ekvationer fram och tillbaka

Ma 1 - Algebra - I denna aktivitet så går vi genom hur du kan utnyttja CAS-motorn hos TI-Nspire för att steg för steg lösa ekvationer.

Editeur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Auteur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Data collection, Equations, Exercise

Course Materials from Workshop Sharjah, UAE, 2018 May 5

Materials used during workshop in Sharjah, UAE on 2018, May 05. Most relevant for workshop participants.

Editeur: T³ Middle East

Auteur: Stephan Griebel

Sujet:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Data collection, Geometry, TI-Innovator, TI-Innovator Rover

Exponentialfunktionen och ränteberäkningar

Ma 3 | Algebra och mer om funktioner | Exponentialfunktioner har många tillämpningar inom ekonomi. En av de viktigaste, ränta-på-ränta, har vi redan haft med i exempel och övningar tidigare…

Auteur: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra, Curriculum, Exercise, Functions, Interest

TI InterActive! in the Classroom

Originally developed for TI InterActive! software, today applicable to Interactive Notes application of TI-Nspire. Integrating text editing, function plotter, computer algebra, spreadsheet …

Editeur: T³ Europe

Auteur: Adrian Oldknow, Tor Jan Aarstad, Salvatore Regalbuto, Paul Drijvers, Renée Gossez, Friedrich Tinhof, T³ Europe

Sujet:  Mathematics

Tags: Algebra

Applications in the Classroom

Graphing Calculator Software Applications (APPS) are pieces of software that can be downloaded onto a TI graphing calculator as you would add software to a computer to enhance its capabilit…

Editeur: T³ Europe

Editor: Koen Stulens

Auteur: Martin van Reeuwijk, Serge Etienne, Hildegard Urban-Woldron, T³ Europe

Sujet:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Analysis, Animations, Calculus, Data collection, Dynamic Simulations, Finance, Inequalities, Cones, Spreadsheets, Area

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Auteur: Texas Instruments Inc.

Sujet:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle