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Garbage in the Classroom

The 'Garbage in the Classroom' Project shows how students can engage with a real STEM activity in a structured way. The work addresses UN Sustainability Development Goals, 4, 5 and 12.

Publisher: T³ Europe

Editor: Ian Galloway

Author: Cathy Baars

Topic:  STEM  Informatique

Tags  SDG 4: Quality Education ,  SDG 5: Gender Equality ,  SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production ,  Sustainability

The 'Garbage in the Classroom' project shows how students can engage with a real STEM activity in a structured way. Students are split into teams using the ‘Scrum’ method and the work is graded using clear mark schemes.  Learning objectives include design, programming, presentation skills and group work. Technical automation involves applying scientific knowledge and using engineering principles to find solutions to the tasks.  The work addresses Quality in Education (SDG 4) and Gender Equality (SDG 5) as well as inviting students to query methods of Production and patterns of Consumption (SDG 12).

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